Patties commitment to sustainable packaging


The United Nations Sustainability Goals are our goals.

In recent years we have consulted with our workforce, evolved with consumer and customer expectations, and aligned our priorities with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to set our sustainability targets.

We are making food the world loves. And make our world a better place.

  1. Reducing our environmental impact
  2. Care and support for the people and communities in which we operate
  3. Deep commitment to doing what is right.
Focusing our strategic priorities on three key areas blocks

How we are reducing our environmental impact

More Sustainable Packaging

As a food manufacturer of retail and single serve products, making our packaging more sustainable is one of the most important things we can do to improve our environmental footprint. We are proud to be currently rated ‘Leading’ in packaging sustainability by APCO.

More Sustainable Packaging graphic by Patties

Diverting waste from landfill

​We're mindful that food production inevitably results in solid and organic waste, and that food waste is a significant contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore we are committed to ambitious waste reduction goals across the business, and are proud to say that in 2023 we reduced our total overall waste by three million kilograms, and the amount of waste going to landfill by over a million kilograms.​

Diverting waste from landfill graphic by Patties

Reducing our carbon footprint

​​Our manufacturing plants and equipment require a lot of energy to operate and provide food to our customers, so as our business grows, we are committed to investing in initiatives to improve our energy efficiency and to energy transition.​​​

​​​​​​In New Zealand our operations are powered largely by renewable electricity, and we have set an initial goal to power 25% of our Australian operations with renewable electricity by 2025.​

Reducing our Carbon footprint graphic by Patties

How we are supporting people and communities

Meaningful support for our local communities

​​As a food business, we feel strongly about helping those in our communities experiencing food insecurity. ​In 2023 we donated the equivalent of 163,000 meals to Foodbank Australia, supporting people who are struggling to put food on their tables.​​


​​We also elected a new charity partner, MyRoom Children’s Cancer Charity, and contributed to gift vouchers and food packs to families facing the challenges of childhood cancer.

Meaningful Support for our local communities graphic by Patties

Safe, inclusive and rewarding workplaces where are employees can thrive.

Our people are our most valuable asset, so keeping everyone safe and happy is of utmost importance. A highly engaged workforce has benefits both for the organisation and for the physical and mental wellbeing of our employees, so we regularly conduct engagement surveys, and reward employees who demonstrateour core company values – Courage, Trust, Integrity and Ownership.

Safe, inclusive and rewarding workplaces graphic by Patties

How we are doing what is right

Sourcing from ethical suppliers

Our operations are supported by a complex and global supply chain. With risks of modern slavery and unethical practices, we are committed to understanding and mitigating these dangers to the greatest extent possible​. We place great importance on our Ethical Sourcing Policy, which is integrated into all business decisions and a pre-condition of doing business with the Patties Food Group.

Sourcing from ethical suppliers graphic by Patties

Sourcing ethical ingredients

​​As a procurer of a wide range and significant volume of ingredients, it's important that we consider animal welfare and the natural environment in procurement and product development.​​​


​​​As a part of this we always commit to using RSPO certified (mass balance) palm oil across the business, and are working towards 100% cage free eggs in all of our branded products.​​

Sourcing ethical ingredients graphic by Patties

Embedding a world-class food safety culture.

A world class food safety culture is the best way to safeguard the consumers
of our products, our brands, and our business. We are proud to say we have world class BRC certification at all our sites.

Embedding  a world-class food safety culture graphic by Patties

Our code of ethics

Patties has a comprehensive code of ethics which, for simplicity we’ve summarised below.

Our labour standards

Patties and its supply chains treat our people in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. This includes not putting them at risk of physical harm, making sure they are lawfully and fairly compensated, not exploiting them in any way - including modern slavery.

Our environmental protection

Patties Foods Group requires its suppliers to respect resources and protect the environment, and to pursue continuous improvement in the management of their environmental impact.


In-store drop-off of soft plastics for recycling (REDcycle) in Australia has been temporarily suspended. Supermarkets have removed all their collection bins.

Visit the REDcycle website for more information: REDcycle website.

In response to this situation, some municipal councils have begun their own trial of a soft plastic kerbside collection scheme.Please contact them regarding your possible participation in this.

Alternatively, until further notice, kindly dispose of soft plastics in a general household waste bin.

Patties Foods PTY LTD continues its commitment to all initiatives for soft plastic recycling, in anticipation of a sustainable, long-term resolution to reduce landfill.

Our sustainable packaging

We expect our suppliers to supply goods and services in packaging which is recyclable, reusable or compostable, and to work towards Australia’s National Packaging Targets of ensuring 100% of all packaging is re-usable, recyclable or compostable by 2025​.​​​

Our business integrity

We demand our people and our suppliers conduct their business ethically in a legal, honest and transparent manner without any fraudulent practices.

Our raw materials

We always prioritise sourcing raw materials domestically, when cost, quality and other trading terms allow. We steer away from genetically modified organisms in our products​, a​nd we respect animal welfare - ​​all our suppliers must have industry standard certification. 

Patties a couple eating delicious spaghetti